Dry Tongue?
What is dry tongue all about? Your tongue, no surprise here, is a part of your mouth. So, if your tongue is dry all the time, your whole mouth is dry. You may notice the uncomfortable dryness in the tongue, […]
What is dry tongue all about? Your tongue, no surprise here, is a part of your mouth. So, if your tongue is dry all the time, your whole mouth is dry. You may notice the uncomfortable dryness in the tongue, […]
Did you know that gum care should begin before the first baby tooth erupts? Parents should gently wipe the gums of their infants with a clean, damp cloth. This helps keep unhealthy bacteria from getting established in the growing baby’s […]
Do you floss, brush and rinse and still get cavities/ Tooth Decay? Maybe it’s time for a change of approach? YOTUEL microbiome care toothpastes help your teeth to fight and prevent decay.
Sports drinks may give your body a boost, but not your teeth. With a common pH of under 5, they will be harming your teeth. Think about protecting them. YOTUEL microbiome care toothpaste helps to keep your oral microbiome in […]
Cheese before dessert or after?…Did you know the benefits of ending a meal with cheese? The alkali in cheese helps to neutralise the acids in the mouth caused by other consumed foods and drinks. Unlike the French, who take their […]
If you simply have to eat some sweets, eat them all at once to allow the ph of your teeth to recover properly. Each sweet will cause a bacteria loving acidic spike.
Time for a brew?..or should i say time for tea? However you say it, did you know that tea is good for your teeth? Studies have found that compounds in black tea were capable of killing or suppressing growth and […]